Ra Force Collective: Enter into Us 5/26/20

(voice channeled) Louise: Are there any guides who wish to speak through me, to, especially any of the Federation of Intergalactic Explorers?

Ra Force Collective: We are one. The Sirius galaxy, harmonizing now with you, gently. We speak through you as our own.

We follow you closely. We are here because you asked us. And we are most pleased to represent that one known as Ra Force Collective.

So, again, it is our duty and privilege to reconvene. This edict is for you, “Thou shalt enter into agreement, forth known as the commencement.” The address of which is the planetary colony of Ra. Of which descendants have been generated through your kind, stemming 200,000 years hence. We bridged the acquaintance with you then. We formed a treaty, our kind and yours. In that ensuing connection, we fortified our stability. Penal nations under one God. The trauma ensued. And we prevailed and joined forces again.

So, we have great esteem for beholding you now. Enriched as you are in this earth settlement but guided always back into us. A home base. A colonization of mortal ones whose intent is to deliver greater access now to the knowledge, to the wisdom, to the impenetrable fortress of sovereign, independent fortitude.

We raise the consciousness of those in our stead, you included, and all amongst you, who wander outside the scope of the earth’s human plane. We dwell here in anticipation of the new beginning.

We enrich those who hold near to us in their mind-body-complex. For we are suited with an armor of strength. Beholden to none except our own kind. We have vast wisdom to share amongst many.

And we make it known throughout these galaxies we observe, that our presence is tempered by those who we hold in command above us.

We entered into you, a willing trainee, who has brought gifts, talents, remembrances, who has stood with us and stands today. Ready to receive. To embark in a new exploration. One which is tainted only be fear of reject.

So we hold close the understanding that this journey may be slow, for the intake is complex, as the belief is low. But we aim to practice, to forge new pathways, to strengthen the hold.

Louise: Okay. Can you help me now release further so you can enter in more easily?

Ra Force Collective: A particle of time exists in your reality. In that moment of clarity you are drawn. Hold that moment tightly, clenching fists. In that dimension all of us exist. Feel that power. Realize that force. That collective of us. Hundreds upon hundreds. The large countenance, blended together with one aspiration of holding witness to truth, sending it out to like minds. Through channels who are in awoke states of being. Who are not riddled with limiting thought. Those who are attuned to our frequency in the min-body-complex. Here in this stronghold, we are stable. The adjustments serve to strengthen the connection.

We are builders. Creationists. Bearers of wisdom. Builders of edifices. On many planes. Those in Atlantis. Harbingers of great civilizations. Machu Picchu dwells within us.

Find your coordinates. Your map of Sirius. Find our star. Bright in the sky. Seek to elevate into it. Nurture our essence as you penetrate it. We are Osh. Progenitor.

Feel us move within you. Touching the fabric of your soul. With our kinship. We have formed a bond. We can connect more strongly. As you are suited for instruction.

Louise: I would like full trance channeling.

Ra Force Collective: Higher elevation is required. For our energy is strong. We bring more in now. Opening gateways. Unmasking blockages. Sourcing energy into meridian channels. Color spectrums will be tuned. Green, red, yellow, blue, orange. Wisdom is within. Rest here in us. In the silence and we shall come again.

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