The Divine Collective: How Are You Absorbing All Of Your Goodness Today?

Louise:  What message does Guidance have today?

The Divine Collective:  Sweep clean your house, dear ones.  What is in the threads of your despair? What needs cleansing from your thoughts and actions?  Where are you seeking revenge or have unfaithful lusts for that which is not in your best interest?  Where are the lazinesses in doing this work that clears you out?

These are questions for you to entertain at your own response.  This is the time for the eloquent pondering.  This is the nature of absorbing all of your goodness while living in the planet of this earthly realm. 

You are meant to engage in this way.  For, yes, the earth is playful and it can be tempting to simply be in the transmission of all that is occurring and to live your life blinded by the spectacle of all it is.  But in the depths of you, you recognize that you seek more. 

You recognize that you seek to know yourself.  To understand why you tick, so to speak; how it is that you operate; and how to fix anything which appears to be broken within you.  Not anything that appears to be broken outside of you. Hear that well.  For that is not the purpose. 

You are not here to fix others.  You may counsel or guide or lead because many of you are helpers in this way.  But your journey is not to fix within them that which appears to be at fault or failing.  Instead, it all is a reflection of your own inner world. 

When you see something in the outer and say, “This looks unwell.  It is mine to help clear it up,” we say, caution.  This is a cautionary tale.  For you have come into awareness of this experience not so that you may fix their issue, as you see it, but instead to revel in how aware you’ve become that this person has triggered you in some way. 

You feel either pity or anger, remorse or vengeance, regret or sorrow.  Some such emotion.  And now is the grand occasion upon which you may then delve into your own heart and mind.   It is here that you may penetrate deep and identify what within you feels a similar resonance for those emotions.  Where do you seek to exact revenge upon something you have done to yourself, either directly to you or through others?  Where are you in sorrow for your own life?  Where? You see where we are going?

This is when you ask favor upon yourself, dear ones.  This is when you see the patterns that are befallen unto you, of you screaming at yourself, or judging yourself, or denying yourself. 

And this is where your forgiveness practice moves in.  This is the work for you to do: to forgive the aches you have in yourself, that either man created from the outer world that you accepted ownership of in your innate nature.  Or that which you adorned as you owning it yourself.  Either way, it is all illusion. 

You are not that which you believe you to be in the shallow sense.  You are not less than. You are not unworthy.  You are not to be shamed or discredited. But instead you are here to behold within you the divine essence of God.  You are to see yourself as the brilliant light who you are.  You are here to remember yourself as wholly one with the Christed light. 

This version of you is not a 1.0 but a hundred-fold more, yea, a thousand times a thousand more.  And this recalling of your true nature occurs as you begin letting go of the notion that you must save the world and others.  It begins with you simply focusing on your own journey.  How much joy are you willing to allow into your soul essence today? How much sun are you willing to let shine in?  How much cold and dreariness are you willing to let eek out of you so the sun can warm it to its core, leaving it transmuted and whole once again. 

This journey is an inner game of self-discipline.  It takes continual, ah perpetual, remembrance of your own nature. 

You can attract that which you desire by the core of your beingness believing in your birthright of wholeness. 

Lacking thoughts create more lacking situations.  So this is the time to delve within.  This is the time to clean out, to sweep out the cobwebs of lack so that abundance may seep in. 

It is a moment by moment experience that brings this into occurrence.   It is a minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year, life by life experience into that remembrance.  But despair not.  We recognize this may sound and feel like a hardship but truly it is not.  It is what you signed up for. 

You relish all of this at the core of your essence.  You are there waiting for you — this physical, seeming-small essence of you — to become a grand collaborator with you in Spirit.  And together, when you take hold of that truth of your brilliance, you begin operating at a new capacity.  One that is limitless. Truly unlimited in your thinking and doing and being. 

This is why we are here: to watch you as you unfold that remembrance into your true nature.  You may call upon us to quicken the journey home into yourself.  For we wait there. We watch there. We are there with you.  We are one unto the other. 

We are the Divine Collective and we bring you abiding tidings of grand love on this day. 

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