Arcturian Council: We Are Here, and Shifts Are Occuring

Louise: What message does Guidance have for us today?

Arcturian Council: Peace be unto you. And in this way, we greet you, beloved sisters and brothers of planet earth.  We are the Arcturian Council. We are here to bring you messages and tidings of great joy. For on this day, your earth is shifting its timeline. 

In this manner you are hurtling yourselves towards new beginnings, as have been told of in your scriptures and by enlightened masters who have walked your planet in your earth timeline of now. 

And we are here because we always have been here, sharing your journey, bringing our teachings and our structures of intellect so that you might have some of the civilizations that have existed here so long before your modern worlds came into existence. 

And we are here today to share the news that your galactic brethren have amassed in such numbers that we are helping to shift what has become intolerable for many of you on your planet.  The reign of intolerance and the actions of those who have sought to minimize and deplete the resources of your earth cannot be contained any longer. 

For as earth shifts, it is seen as rebellion.  So the natural disasters that have been forming and that will be forming will be of tremendous import, for they will help to signify some of the dramatic shifts that will be occurring.  And this will come at times when humanity feels quite separted and divisive.  And so these earthly actions — the flooding, the tsumanis and the quakes that may befall the planet — will actually activate healing for your planet.  Oneness will again be the norm, for when atrocities hit, you cannot judge one another so harshly for medical choices.  For you will all see that it matters not what the individual choices have been for the collective whole, for immediate responsiveness will be front and center. 

And this will then distract from the agendas that continue to seek to divide the earthlings we know as our own galactic families. 

So be aware that as we see this playing out upon your stage, we are holding fast the light for you all.  Those of us in the galactic realms are especially tied to planet earth.  You are at a pivotal point in your continuing formation, and we treat you gingerly as such. 

We are here to overshadow the dark.  And our messages will be coming through increasing numbers of you.  Some will merely receive messages in their sleep that they believe are theirs alone, messages about where to move and when, for their own protection and safety.  Others will hear direct messages.  Others will begin seeing us, in their dreams and in the skies and in what they believe to be hallucinogenic experiences. 

We are subtle when we visit you.  We aim to not create a sense of terror.  But instead we choose to be similar to angelic guidance – soft and endearing.  For that is how we are today. 

We have not always been of this mind.  We have had our periods of entanglement with lower elements of frequencies that sought to bury us from knowing the truth of our own mastery and brilliance.  But those days, those lineages, are long past.  Very, very long past.  And so we are now master educators for many of you on the planets that we monitor closely. 

And this one, this earth, is a most precious resource.  Some of our finest teachings have been brought here, the use of electricity, the use of water purification, the buildings of monumental structures.  We have brought these technological understandings and much more.  And as such, we are quite imbued with the spirit of the earth itself. 

So your salvation also strengthens us.  For this oneness is the true gift that is here for all of you.  And when you begin to recognize the armies, the legions of supporters who are here for you, you will realize that no agendas that seek to decimate your individual freedoms and liberties will stand for long.  Because the light wins, and we help you in that regard continuously. 

It is a prime mission which many of us in the galactic fields have undertaken, by choice , of course. It is our privilege to serve,  a ministry as you might call it. 

So prevail upon us as you will.  No call is too quiet to be heard.  For our senses are in full alignment with the heartbeat of earth and her companions upon her. 

This is a day of mercy.  Have mercy upon all who suffer.  Have mercy upon yourself for the light you are witnessing within you as you rise to your own grand temperament.  You are each achieving what you aimed to do in this life – that of being a warrior for Spirit.  That of leading your own path towards dominion.  This is in stark contrast to some, or many, of your lives.  So know that this one becomes exceptional as you look at it from the broadest of perspectives. 

We are here. And we see what unfolds for humanity.  Choices are still to be made, but shifts are occurring.  They are radically occurring in the blueprint of it all. 

We are the Arcturian Council and we are most pleased to here on this occasion of this grand morning with you each.  And we will come again. 

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