The Divine Collective: Becoming as the String and as the Tapestry

We are well with you today.  We are the Divine Collective, and in this way we come to share our vision for your world. That is a large topic, yes, but we have a vision for your world just as you also have a vision for your life.

And our vision is one in which your world lives as a tapestry of love, as a tapestry of creation.  Where all of the pieces are uniquely woven and they all create one majesty of an image.  For in a tapestry, each individual strand is unique unto itself but it is woven with such harmony that the tapestry has great symmetry and balance.  The tapestry tells a story in itself, in its harmonious aspects.  It is of full color and brilliance.  It is truly a showpiece, these most beautiful tapestries of the world. 

So imagine if this was how your world was today.  Imagine if everyone alive was working in unison towards a greatest common thread.  And that thread of love was woven throughout everything.  That no strand was left out of the tapestry because each one was needed in order to create the imperfectly perfect piece of work. 

So how would this earth world, this civilization that you see now that is filled with the influx of pain and sufferings, of wars and calamities, ever begin to emulate such a strong sense of connectedness and balance? 

It begins with you as the common thread.  It begins with you being the malleable weaver yourself.  Creating yourself into the being who you know you can be.  It begins with you bringing color and strength to your own life.  For a thread within a tapestry has both. It has color vibrancy and it also has strength. It cannot be of such weak character that it snaps or breaks.  If that were the case, the tapestry as a whole would not be of substance, for the one broken strand would then lead to more and more weakness until an entire rip in its essence appeared. 

So you, in your life today, are responsible for your own capacity of thriving and being what you are intending to be.  Let the maker of the tapestry, the God Source energy, weave all of you on this planet together.  For that is the role of Source, to help create the most beautiful of images on the tapestry. 

But your role is to be united within yourself, to be of loving kindness, to find strength through all of your days, to be durable and to wear yourself well.  To truly be functional.  All of these words are words that can apply to a simple piece of string.  All that a string needs to be in order to be woven into the grand masterpiece is that which you also can be.  For it is your function as a human being to be all of these things. For they are the embodiment of you as you come into this earthly plane.  You already are all of these beautiful characteristic qualities because that is who you are in Spirit. 

You are strong and colorful, you are sturdy and functional. You are malleable and flexible. You are of love, and you are made to be part of the whole of the tapestry of the One Infinite Power.  You in Spirit are as the single strand of yarn itself also. 

But Spirit simply does not forget itself at any time.  And you as human in flesh has forgotten.  For the experience of forgetfulness.  But you can wake from your dream at any time.  You can be that who you already are in Spirit.  For that is your natural state of being. 

And as you be that who you are, you align more and more with others who are that who they are.  For like attracts like. And you will find them and they will find you.  And what happens then?  Well, you each begin uniting together, in harmony, in unison, in connectedness, in soul bonding. And you, though there may not be many of you, begin forming your own tapestry.

And so it goes, that more and more of your beloved brothers and sisters will find their way to you as they, too, begin remembering that natural state of Spirit who they are.  And that is how the tapestry is created, dear ones.  That is how it all weaves together.  It is through you being the essence of the string.  She who is already that in Spirit. 

So for the joy of this exercise, take a string, a piece of sturdy yarn.  Sit with it today or for the week, look upon it, recognize its qualities, think of its components.  Then look upon images of beautiful tapestries in the world.  And begin assembling your life, in your mind and in your heart, to be reflective of both.  For that can be the imagery of how it is that you help to create the vision of the world that we see for humankind.  For that vision is you in your state of perfection, holy amongst all, as one.  The tapestry of the divine. 

We love and honor you.

The Divine Collective

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